I hate birds. When they are out in the open in the wild they are fine. They are tolerable in houses in cages, LOCKED. But when they are flying around my head, indoors, in aviaries, or outdoors, I HATE them. This story from a few years back nicely illustrates the point.
I went out the front door to take the garbage out and IN flies a finch. I cannot believe it. It's 10pm, pilot is gone, the girls are asleep and I have a @$#@*$* bird flying around in my house. My first thought is to go close ALL the doors inside the house so can't get into some rooms. I do that, it flies around and I duck at every move. (My house has 20 foot ceilings in parts.) I also have both the front door and back sliding door open so I might get lucky (the only kind for me tonight) and have it just fly out like it just flew in. Right.
Next move, call pilot in New York City, 1 am his time. He says, got a net? Like I have a net or the will to find one. He tells me to make the bird fly around to tire it out so it flies lower and maybe find the door. I say I'm calling the neighborhood patrol and good bye.
I call the security people. I ask them not to laugh. He says they've heard everything. I say OK, and explain. He says he's never heard of this. I laugh. He says he'll take down my info but all the patrols are out handling calls. I tell him I would like them here because it's Las Vegas, both my doors are open and I would just feel better. He mumbles something and takes my address and number. Good bye.
I call pilot. Tell him the bird is still in the house. I decide to call the neighbors even though I know they are in bed. Bye, pilot.
Hello, Sharon? It's me. I need help. She laughs. They come down. I've been swatting at the bird with a broom and have the ladder out. It likes the very highest pot shelf in the abode - only the 12 foot ladder comes close.
Alan climbs onto the pot shelf, Sharon stands guard on the stairs. They make the bird fly back and forth between them and I play duck-duck-goose in the middle of the living room every the bird comes near. It finally starts to get tired and likes the little hallway upstairs by the girls' room. Sharon just about gets the bird trapped in a box and in walks the security guy who kindly ushers in a SECOND bird with him. It's obvious this is the male finch looking for his woman.
Now there are TWO #$@*&# birds flying around in my house! I pray the girls don't wake up and then I totally freak out.
Now the female really gets tired and Sharon traps her. She puts Bonnie (yes, I named her) outside in the box but the winged offender is not seeing the light of night until we get her Clyde out too.
It's a four vs. one situation with time running out. Alan's ON the high pot shelf. I'm on the stairs with the broom. Security man accomplice is upstairs in the tiny hallway. Sharon is in the living room. We are ready for battle. Clyde decides to land on the chain on the chandelier in the entry way. I start throwing soft kid toys to make it fly - it doesn't move. Then I have a direct hit and Clyde flies again.
Security accomplice mutters about how hard it's going to be to write this one up. I tell security it's his fault bird #2 is in the house because we nearly had #1 gone before he came in. He shuts up.
Then Clyde tires and security man grabs him barehanded and then holds the thing out to me. Having kept it mostly together so far, I let out a squeal. He says "They really bother you, don't they?" I just stare at him and point to the door.
Security leaves. Alan helps me fold the ladder back up. I thank them and they leave. I shut all the outside doors. I desperately look in the fridge for a cold beer. None. Then I hear the dog bark. She's trapped in my room, totally oblivious to the preceding drama and wants to go outside. I start laughing. I go up to let her out of the room and see three feathers in front of the door. I've got proof.
And the girls never woke at all.